Friday, January 15, 2010

The Magic Number

So, I'm still pretty early into my book, getting ready to close out the first act of the novel and I find myself thinking about the possible sequels.  I know that's putting the horse before the cart but I can't seem to help myself.  I was looking over some neighborhoods in the San Francisco recently, which is where my story takes place, and I discovered an Island that might be perfect setting for one of my side characters in "Fall of the Raven".  

I have to stop and really think about how I write these possible future leading ladies as I want to preserve continuity of character.  It seems the more research I do, the more ideas seem to flow until my mind is racing with possiblities at two o'clock in the morning.  I have to be more careful not to let myself get bogged down.  I need move forward with my novel, keeping ideas in mind however, but not be consumed by them.  Has anyone else had this experience?  What has worked for you?  

Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled at what my research is uncovering but I want to be on chapter twenty already instead of chapter 8.  I have a theory though.  I think once I reach chapter 10 this train will be a non-stop from then on.  Still, I must...keep....writing.  Yes, 10 is my magic number.     

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Working "TITLE"

After much thought I've finally come up with a title for my book.  Now I'm not saying it will be the final title but for now it helps me feel like this is real.  Coming to this point I have to ask myself, what's in a title?  Practically nothing if the contents inside the book aren't worth the read.  However, I've come to think that perhaps there is more to it than that.  For one thing, how do us lovers of romance novels choose the books we read?  Sure we have our favorite Authors and generally like to stick with them, but when we venture do we make our choices then?  I for one read the synopsis and if that doesn't convince me, then I read the prologue or the first few pages of chapter 1.  Rarely does the title come into much play when I make my selections.  But for some people, that may make a lot of difference.  The may see something wholly erotic in the title and less romantic and move on.  Or the opposite could be true as well.  

Then there is the question of should the title include something specific to the main characters or should it stand alone?  Sandra Brown is one for standing alone and I've come to appreciate that quality for she is an amazing writer, in particular of western romances.  "Hidden Fires" is still one of my all time favorites, the title alone is enough to make even a first time reader look twice without even reading the synopsis.   

One thing that either turns me on or off to a book is the cover art.  If the hero is any incarnation of a Fabio type, or anything like that, instinctively, my lip will curl and I immediately rethink my purchase.  Big time.  If I have such a choice when I am published I plan to stay away from models on the cover.  Amanda Quick does something marvelous with her Arcane Society cover art (under her pseudonym Amanda Quick only) and I plan to do the same.  Outside of general physical descriptions, she leaves her characters looks to the imagination of the reader.  I'd make an exception though, for Hugh Jackman, Maxwell, Jude Law or a pre-Angelina Brad Pitt as cover models.      

SO, here it is:  "Fall of the Raven" 

Let me know what you think!